TFP Muscles







TFP Success Stories
The Breen Family Runners!

PJ Breen (Brother)

1.) My mom was the first to start running, then somehow she got my dad and sister hooked into it last year. I decided that if they could do it, I should at least try ... and show them up if possible.

2.) I would say the sheer fact that I was able to complete a 5K and run the whole time. That was my only goal for 'Race to Wrigley'. I didn't

PJ BreenCeleste BreenJennifer BreenJohn Breen

have an ideal time I wanted to finish in. When I started training with TFP, I was barely able to run for a 1/2 mile before needing to walk. It's amazing the changes that can be made over the course of a few months.

3.) I'd say the biggest benefit to working out with family is comfort and familiarity. You know what buttons you can push on each other for motivation. Plus, a bit of family competition causes us all to strive to out do one another; whether it be to lift 10 more pounds on an exercise or go running past them at the last second of a race.

4.) At first it was my mom, because I thought it was awesome that she has only been running a few years and is already doing 1/2 marathons, but as we went along it became my dad more so. I know that it wasn't the easiest for him to start up, and he had some injuries/setbacks along the way, but he never gave up while doing it. He also constantly egged me on to lift more (I'd say he pushed me more than even Coach Matt and Coach Lauri!).

5.) Right now my summer is set on softball. However, I plan to keep running at a minimum twice a week and also plan to get some weight training in. I am hoping to be ready for another TFP group this fall!








Copyright © 2008 The Fitness Pursuit, Inc. - Last updated 1/20/09